Gotcha: custom Microsoft Band page shows only data in last added UI element

3 minute read

Today I finally nailed a very odd issue in the Microsoft Band SDK - or actually, my understanding thereof. For my current research project, I am building a custom UI on my Microsoft Band. I should contain two panels: one with a text, an icon and a button, and a second panel containing two texts. Details of how to setup up something like this, can be found in the band samples.

Building a Band UI is not for the faint hearted, it includes building the UI from code without any kind of designer. Filling those UI elements with a value then is a separate step, which contains quite a big gotcha that you cannot derive from the samples.

My Band UI creation code is like this:

private IEnumerable<PageLayout> BuildTileUi()
  var bandUi = new List<PageLayout>();
  var page1Elements = new List<PageElement>
	new Icon {ElementId = IconId, Rect = new PageRect(60,10,24,24)},
	new TextBlock  {ElementId = TextTemperatureId, Rect = new PageRect(90, 10, 50, 40)},
	new TextButton {ElementId = ButtonToggleFanId, Rect = new PageRect(10, 50, 220, 40), 
	    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center}
  var firstPanel = new FilledPanel(page1Elements) { Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 240, 150) };

  var page2Elements = new List<PageElement>
	new TextBlock {ElementId = TextTimeId, Rect = new PageRect(10, 10, 220, 40)},
	new TextBlock {ElementId = TextDateId, Rect = new PageRect(10, 58, 220, 40)}
  var secondPanel = new FilledPanel(page2Elements) { Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 240, 150) };

  bandUi.Add(new PageLayout(firstPanel));
  bandUi.Add(new PageLayout(secondPanel));

  return bandUi;

That is quite a handful, right? Then for setting values to those UI element, I had this little piece of code:

private List<PageData> BuildTileData1(string timeText,
                                      string dateText,
                                      string temperature,
                                      string buttonText)
  var result = new List<PageData>
    new PageData(Page2Id, 1,
      new TextBlockData(TextTimeId, timeText)),
    new PageData(Page2Id, 1,
      new TextBlockData(TextDateId, dateText)),
    new PageData(Page1Id, 0, new IconData(IconId, 1)),
    new PageData(Page1Id, 0,
      new TextBlockData(TextTemperatureId, temperature)),
    new PageData(Page1Id, 0, new TextButtonData(ButtonToggleFanId, buttonText))

  return result;

And this is set to my tile using bandClient.TileManager.SetPagesAsync. Which gave me a quite puzzling result: only the last element on each page actually had a value. So that means only the datetext and the button actually showed text. As the sample in the Band SDK samples only uses one UI element, I was like, repeat adding PageData elements, right?


It turns out you can only add values to a PageData element once per SetPagesAsync call. So what you need to do, actually, is:

private List<PageData> BuildTileData(string timeText, 
                                     string dateText, 
                                     string temperature, 
                                     string buttonText)
  var result = new List<PageData>
    new PageData(Page2Id, 1,
      new TextBlockData(TextTimeId, timeText),
      new TextBlockData(TextDateId, dateText)),
    new PageData(Page1Id, 0, 
      new IconData(IconId, 1), 
      new TextButtonData(ButtonToggleFanId, buttonText), 
      new TextBlockData(TextTemperatureId, temperature)),

  return result;

See the difference? Only add 2 PageData elements, one for every Page, not one for every page element data object. Maybe elementary, but I overlooked it. For quite some time. The constructors of PageData give a bit of a hint:

public PageData(Guid pageId, int pageLayoutIndex, IEnumerable<PageElementData> values);
public PageData(Guid pageId, int pageLayoutIndex, params PageElementData[] values);

as the third parameter is not a page element data object but a list of it. The thing is, I created the UI on demand (when I tapped the tile) and then it worked as expected - but not the seconds time around.

It took me quite some time to figure this one out, so I thought it best to blog about it right away. Maybe I am giving help here, maybe I am just documenting my own stupidity, but nevertheless ;)

I skip the demo sample this time - if you run into this problem, you are quite far with the Band UI already, and the demo I am working on contains this code anyway and will - hopefully - arrive online soon anyway. Attentive readers will have some inkling of what that demo exactly comprises.

Happy Band coding!