Simple workaround for “Design view is unavailable for x64 and ARM target platforms”
When you are developing for Windows Phone or Windows and you are faced with using a native component (for instance the Bing Maps control on Windows, or the S...
When you are developing for Windows Phone or Windows and you are faced with using a native component (for instance the Bing Maps control on Windows, or the S...
With the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK came (yet again) an improved Map Control. This brought, among other things, the MapIcon. In ye olde days, the map could only d...
Preface AngularJs supports all kinds of simple client-side validation. The simplest is data-ng-required which basically says a UI element must be filled in b...
Intro – multiple stacks to choose from There are a number of ways to talk to a backend (i.e. communicate over JSON services) in Angular. I know at least of t...
Disclaimer I am in the very early early stages of toying with Xamarin and it may well be that whatever I am doing here, is not the smartest thing in the worl...