An animated swipe-enabled title control for Windows Phone 7
Updated for the RTM tools, included sample application to show how it’s used. For my ongoing ‘research project’ on making the user experience for my MVVM-dri...
Updated for the RTM tools, included sample application to show how it’s used. For my ongoing ‘research project’ on making the user experience for my MVVM-dri...
<p [R=”[R”></p> <p>Some may have read my foray into using Windows Phone 7 to view maps, utilizing a Multi Scale Image (msi), MVVM Light a...
AKA ‘avoiding the dreaded “Can not register property YourProperty after containing type (YourBaseType) has been instantiated” error message’ Somewhere betwee...
Updated for Windows Phone 7 beta tools! Traditionally, the first application any developer tries out on a new platform is "Hello World". Working wi...
When creating - or attempting to create ;-) - reusable components, it’s common practice to hide the gory details of your implementation – not only on class l...