Fixing Quest 2 controllers not showing up in MRTK3 app

1 minute read

A very quick and small tip. When I deployed my new HoloATC app to the Quest 2, I noticed hand models showed up when I was using hand control, but no controller models were showing up when I used controllers.

Finn Sinclair, one of the Microsoft developers working on the MKTK3, told me I needed to import glTFast to make the controllers show up. It seems the MRTK3 has a kind of soft dependency to it. Why it is not installed automatically, is explained in this MRTK3 GitHub Issue.

However, after I installed gltFast using the package installer link on it’s GitHub page, I still didn’t see the controllers in my app. After peeking in the MRTK3 development project samples, I found there’s another package by the same author installed. It’s called “KTX/Basis Universal Texture”. The easiest way to install it, is as follows:

  • Open the package manager
  • Select “My Registries”

  • Select “KTX/Basis Universal Texture”

  • Hit the install button on the bottom right on the Package Manager Windows

And voilà

Be aware the version of gltFast apparently must be 4.8.3 and no other.

By default, the package installer installs 5.0.0 and when I tried that, it didn’t work. The controllers did not show up. My app is build using MRTK3 1.0.0-pre.13 so the may change in the future.