Converting colors from RGB to HTML and back
A very short one this time: it turns out to be pretty easy to convert a RGB color to a HTML color and back. This may come handy when (like me) you are using ...
A very short one this time: it turns out to be pretty easy to convert a RGB color to a HTML color and back. This may come handy when (like me) you are using ...
I ran into a situation with the following network topology: The intranet server served PDF documents via IIS, but was only accessible from the WCF server - ...
Unlike ye goode ole ASMX web services, WCF comes by default with security enabled. That’s a good thing: Microsoft now believes in security being integral par...
Microsoft made developing for the Compact Framework relatively easy. Everyone with experience in .NET development can easily take the plunge into mobile deve...
I had a great time today and yesterday at the Microsoft Developer Days 2008 in Amsterdam, where they shared quite a bit of data on Silverlight 2.0. I have be...