An MRTK3 KeywordRecognitionSubsystem for Magic Leap 2

6 minute read

As I have shown already, MRTK3 is very versatile and very well suited for cross-platform development. The architecture is extensible by the usage of Unity subsystems. At Magic Leap, they have used that to implement a version of the Hands subsystem - that allows hand tracking to work - and you can use that by simply selecting a different implementation of the subsystem in the Android MRTK3 profile:

For contrast, this is the HoloLens 2 profile. Here the OpenXR Hands API is selected instead of the Magic Leap one.

Magic Leap 2 also supports keyword recognition - there is a custom API for that in their SDK. It’s things like this that make cross-platform development difficult. Therefore I could not get the speech command in my port of Augmedit’s Lumi product to work. If only someone had thought of making a KeywordRecognitionSubsystem implementation so you could just as easily use keyword recognition as on HoloLens 2…

Well, good news. Someone just did. Yours truly.

Subsystems in MRTK3

I will not even start to pretend I completely understand how subsystems work, but I have a kind of an idea now. In theory, they can consist of 5 classes and an interface:

  • The subsystem itself - this is the class that actually registers itself as a subsystem
  • A ‘provider’ (that does the actual work). Both subsystem and provider implement the same interface, and the subsystem basically forwards all actual work to the provider.
  • A ‘descriptor’ (that is used for registering the class)
  • A configuration class (allows you to configure parameters of the subsystem)
  • A ‘Cinfo’ class whose purpose is not entirely clear to me, but it is necessary for registering the subsystem.
  • An interface that describes the public methods of the subsystem (and the provider)


For KeywordRecognitionSubsystems, there’s already a lot of heavy lifting done. We actually only need to provide a subsystem and a provider and can do so by extending existing base classes for keyword recognition. The entire subsystem therefore looks like this:

    Name = "MRTKExtensions.MagicLeap.SpeechRecognition",
    DisplayName = "MRTK MagicLeap KeywordRecognition Subsystem",
    Author = "LocalJoost",
    ProviderType = typeof(MagicLeapKeywordRecognitionProvider),
    SubsystemTypeOverride = typeof(MagicLeapKeywordRecognitionSubsystem))]
public class MagicLeapKeywordRecognitionSubsystem : 
    static void Register()
        var cinfo = XRSubsystemHelpers.

        if (!Register(cinfo))
            Debug.LogError($"Failed to register the {cinfo.Name} subsystem.");

The MRTKSubsystem describes the subsystem and indicates which Subsystem and Provider are to be connected together. Optionally you can also configure a ConfigType in this attribute. The subsystem itself then only needs a static method decorated with a RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod attribute to actually get launched on startup. It uses KeywordRecognitionSubsystemCinfo cinfo class - which is part of the MRTK3, so we don’t have to create this ourselves. As I said before, I don’t know why this is necessary, but sometimes you simply have to do some cargo cult programming follow existing patterns.

The Subsystem provider

The provider does the actual work. The provider derives from the abstract class KeywordRecognitionSubsystem.Provider, which requires us to implement the following methods:

  • UnityEvent CreateOrGetEventForKeyword(string keyword);
  • void RemoveKeyword(string keyword);
  • void RemoveAllKeywords();
  • IReadOnlyDictionary<string, UnityEvent> GetAllKeywords();

Also, there are several life cycle methods we can override coming from KeywordRecognitionSubsystem.Provider - methods that are largely the same as in a behaviour.

Starting/initializing the provider

In the Start method override, I have implemented some code to initialize the voice recognition. Attentive readers will notice that this - and a lot of the following code - is basically a modified version of the runtime voice intents sample on the Magic Leap developer docs - with a few additions by me to take care of some idiosyncrasies I ran into.

internal class MagicLeapKeywordRecognitionProvider :
    private int commandId = 0;
    private MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration voiceConfiguration;

    public override void Start()
        if (voiceConfiguration == null)
            voiceConfiguration = 
            voiceConfiguration.VoiceCommandsToAdd = 
                new List<MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration.CustomVoiceIntents>();
            voiceConfiguration.AllVoiceIntents = 
                new List<MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration.JSONData>();
            voiceConfiguration.SlotsForVoiceCommands = 
                new List<MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration.SlotData>();

        if (!running)
            MLVoice.OnVoiceEvent += OnVoiceEvent;

The line voiceConfiguration.SlotsForVoiceCommands = … is one of those additions that proved to be necessary - if I didn’t add that, I got a null reference error. Note that running is a read-only base class property that is set internally.

Adding or getting keywords

You can see that events and keywords are both added to the internal dictionary, as well as ‘intent’ to the Magic Leap API. GetAllKeywords simply returns the keyword/event dictionary

public override UnityEvent CreateOrGetEventForKeyword(string keyword)
    if (!keywordDictionary.ContainsKey(keyword))
        keywordDictionary.Add(keyword, new UnityEvent());
    return keywordDictionary[keyword];

public override IReadOnlyDictionary<string, UnityEvent> GetAllKeywords()
    return keywordDictionary;

keywordDictionary, by the way, is once again a base class property. It is a simple Dictionary<string, UnityEvent>.

Removing keywords

Here the same pattern: remove from the internal dictionary, remove intent. Oh, and disconnect any listeners from the event before we toss it out.

public override void RemoveKeyword(string keyword)
    if(keywordDictionary.TryGetValue(keyword, out var eventToRemove))
            voiceConfiguration.AllVoiceIntents.First(k=> k.value == keyword));

public override void RemoveAllKeywords()
    foreach( var eventToRemove in keywordDictionary.Values)


If the subsystem is halted or destroyed, we need to handle things in the Stop and Destroy life cycles method, which are now pretty easy to make:

public override void Stop()
    MLVoice.OnVoiceEvent -= OnVoiceEvent;

public override void Destroy()

Internal workings

Now we have set up the framework, there’s some little implementation details left. In the Start method, we connected the OnVoiceEvent method to the MLVoice.OnVoiceEvent event. The implementation is pretty simple: we simply check if a keyword is recognized and if so find the event belonging to it - and then invoke that event, notifying possible external listeners.

private void OnVoiceEvent(in bool wasSuccessful, 
                          in MLVoice.IntentEvent voiceEvent)
    if (wasSuccessful)
        if (keywordDictionary.TryGetValue(voiceEvent.EventName, 
                out var value))

AddIntentForKeyword creates the actual intent. The commandId needs to be unique, so we simply use an incrementing integer

private void AddIntentForKeyword(string keyword)
    var newIntent = new MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration.CustomVoiceIntents
        Value = keyword,
        Id = (uint)commandId++

The last method is quite weird. In all methods, you can see that after adding or removing intents, the method SetupVoiceIntents is called. This is because for any change of intents to be recognized, MLVoice.SetupVoiceIntents needs to be called. At least, that seems to be the case. Here’s another idiosyncrasy I found: if an MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration contains zero intents, MLVoice.SetupVoiceIntents throws an exception. So if it’s empty, I make sure there is at least one dummy intent - without an event

private void SetupVoiceIntents()
    if (!voiceConfiguration.AllVoiceIntents.Any())

Sample code

To show it actually works, I have added a small piece of demo code that allows you to verify this actually works. If you have configured MagicLeapKeywordRecognitionSubsystem as your keyword recognition system in the MRTK3 settings and deploy it to the Magic Leap, you can use see this user interface:

By default, it recognizes three phrases. You can add a “Hello there”, remove it again, remove all, restore the initial commands, and toggle on/off the whole recognizer. Adding commands goes like this:

public void InitStandardPhrases()
    keywordRecognitionSubsystem.CreateOrGetEventForKeyword("Good morning").
        AddListener(() => ShowRecognizedCommand("Good morning"));
    keywordRecognitionSubsystem.CreateOrGetEventForKeyword("Nice weather").
        AddListener(() => ShowRecognizedCommand("Nice weather"));
    keywordRecognitionSubsystem.CreateOrGetEventForKeyword("Mixed Reality is cool").
        AddListener(() => ShowRecognizedCommand("Mixed Reality is cool"));

Removing keywords goes like this:

public void RemoveHello()
    keywordRecognitionSubsystem.RemoveKeyword("Hello there");

public void RemoveAll()

and controlling the keyword recognizer like this:

public void ToggleKeywordRecognition()
    if (keywordRecognitionSubsystem.running)

Concluding words

Using this keyword recognizer, you can use exactly the same MRTK3 API for creating and responding to keywords as you were used to using on HoloLens, with the WindowsKeywordRecognitionSubsystem. The Magic Leap API is neatly encapsulated, and as far as speech control for your app goes, it doesn’t matter whether it’s running on a HoloLens 2 or a Magic Leap 2. As a consequence,Augmedit Lumi now does support speech recognition on Magic Leap - without any code change for that.

Full code, as (nearly) always, on GitHub.